Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Fatten the Goose

Christmas is coming, and the goose is looking mighty skinny.

The holidays are upon us, and this year I've decided to celebrate by having an art sale.  After a great year of showing and selling, I'm content to offer many of my favorite works at studio prices.

To check out what's on sale, surf over to Fatten the Goose, the temporary blog that I've put together. The artwork spans several media and ranges from older pieces to recently completed work. Much of it has been shown before, but some has never been in the public eye.

Fatten the Goose will run for through the month of December, and I'll be adding work to it as I see fit. To purchase work or set up a viewing appointment, send me an email by clicking on the email link in my Blogger profile.

I hope this sale will help make things easier for those of you that would like to buy art but are feeling the pinch of these lean times. My art is meant to be a part of other peoples lives, and I try to do what I can to make that possible.

Happy holidays!

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