Sunday, December 03, 2006


It's been an interesting month here in the soggy Northwest. I don't have any images of new work to put up yet, but they'll be coming soon.
November was an eventful month. I moved into my fantastic studio and was promptly flooded by torrential rains. My artwork survived intact, but the walls are now splotched with mold where the water came streaming down. Not one to be deterred, I had a rewarding open studio, in which one of my favorite pieces found a good home.
Back on the East Coast, the Cornerstone Gallery featured one of my new pieces in their "Art to Go" fundraiser.
Also, I've been chosen to show in the Blue Heron Gallery next October. I'll share the space with a painter from Portland, OR.
That's it for now, but I'll be posting images soon.
Photo Credits: Laughing Tree Studio, Boston.